Mobil Listrik Toyota Land Cruiser dan Mobil Luar Angkasa Menghiasi JMS 2023

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Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) akan memperkenalkan sejumlah mobil konsep di ajang Japang Mobility Show (JMS) 2023 di Tokyo, Jepang. Pameran yang berlangsung selama 11 hari itu akan memamerkan sejumlah model baru, yakni Land Cruiser versi listrik hingga mobil luar angkasa.

Land Cruiser versi listrik ini hadir dengan tiga varian yang menggunakan tenaga berbasis baterai atau Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV). Dengan menggunakan teknologi BEV, mobil ini memberikan kesenyapan kabin dan kenyamanan dalam berkendara di kota. Dimensi mobil SUV ini adalah panjang 5.150 mm, lebar 1.990 mm, dan tinggi 1.705 mm, dengan jarak sumbu roda (wheelbase) mencapai 3.050 mm.

Selain Land Cruiser versi listrik, Toyota juga memamerkan prototipe kendaraan yang dapat digunakan di bulan dan luar angkasa. Hal ini menunjukkan keseriusan Toyota dalam mengembangkan teknologi kendaraan masa depan.

Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) akan memperkenalkan sejumlah mobil konsep di ajang Japang Mobility Show (JMS) 2023 di Tokyo, Jepang. Sumber:

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in English:

Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) will introduce a number of concept cars at the Japan Mobility Show (JMS) 2023 event in Tokyo, Japan. The 11-day exhibition will showcase several new models, including the electric-powered Land Cruiser and a space vehicle.

The electric Land Cruiser comes in three variants that utilize battery-based electric vehicle (BEV) technology. With this BEV technology, the off-road suitable vehicle offers a quiet cabin and comfortable city driving experience. The Japanese SUV has dimensions of 5,150 mm in length, 1,990 mm in width, and 1,705 mm in height, with a wheelbase of 3,050 mm.

The most interesting feature is the Space Mobility. Toyota seems to be more serious in developing future vehicle technologies. This time, they brought a prototype vehicle that can be used on the moon and in outer space.

“The experimental vehicle is intended to advance the development, especially the drive system technology, which aims to create mobility for use on the moon and in outer space,” wrote TMC in the statement.